Communities in Bloom Alberta Society is a non-profit society dedicated to providing Alberta Communities of all sizes resources, ideas and a means of Growing Great Places Together!

To inspire all communities to enhance the quality of life and our environment through people and plants in order to create community pride.

We are a volunteer and partnership-driven organization that uses a multi-tiered evaluation process to foster community strength, involvement and continuous improvement. This is accomplished by nurturing environmental sustainability, enhancements of green spaces, and heritage conservation, in cultural and natural environments encompassing municipal, residential, commercial, and institutional spaces.


CiB is a volunteer and partnership-driven charitable organization that inspires all communities to enhance the quality of life and our environment through people and plants in order to create community pride. We strive to ensure that we are a collaborative and inclusive organization where all people are welcomed and can feel comfortable, respected, and valued.

Sherry Cote – President

Cathy Kremer – Secretary

Emily Neis – Community Engagement

Marlene Aubrey – Fund Development

Sharon Miller – Provincial Coordinator

Interested in Participating on Our Board? We’d love to hear from you!! Drop a note to and we’ll send off more information!

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